Phyllis Bolling, Ph.D.
Phyllis Bolling is a licensed psychologist in New Jersey and has been employed at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) for more than 25 years. She currently serves as Director of NJIT’s Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-CAPS). Dr. Bolling has a Ph.D. in
Counseling Psychology and an M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from State University of NewYork at Albany and a B. S. in Biology from Syracuse University.
Dr. Bolling’s interests include campus mental health, culturally-sensitive counseling and psychotherapy, cultural humility and cultural competence, working with persons with disabilities, mood disorders, and trauma. In addition to her work as a licensed psychologist and Director of
NJIT’s Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, Dr. Bolling has served on the Executive Board of the New Jersey Psychological Association (NJPA), and the Executive Board of the New Jersey College Counseling Association (NJCCA). She is also the recipient of a
Lifetime Achievement Award from the New Jersey Psychological Association in November 2019 and a two-time recipient of New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Murray Diversity Award.